
Friday, March 22, 2013

Silver leafed Easter Egg - Magia Mia

Amazing silver leafed easter egg made with everyday crafting materials! By Magia Mia featured on I Love That Junk

This gorgeous silver leafed Easter Egg looks like a high end trinket you'd find at a high end gift shot. But looks couldn't be further from the truth.

Amazing silver leafed easter egg made with everyday crafting materials! By Magia Mia featured on I Love That Junk

The egg was a total DIY with the plainest materials ever... paint, glue and plastic eggs. I kid you not!

Maria experimented with a couple of techniques to achieve the look, but offers why she chose what she did. Incredible, is it not?!

A faux metal Easter Egg... chocolate who?!

Find the full tutorial and amazing photo shoot at:

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