A bench is only a bench, until you stack a couple to make something more. And in this case 3 more!
Laurel is one of the most creative junkers I know. And she gets how to repurpose. In this case, she had a lonely bench in front of a window and got a brainstorm. She simply stacked another bench on top and created a bookshelf, plant stand AND window seat. Ok, and display case for more cool junk.

She also honed in on a little trick I do myself. Placing aqua mason jars in front of a sunny window illuminates them for free all day long. It's the perfect punch of vintage colour.
Why I love this:
I'm a repurposing fool, so anytime I see something used as something else, that does it for me. The vintage bench designs are cool, and just look cooler when stacked. I could totally see this stacked even higher for a funky junk wall unit. Admit it, that would be awesome!! (taking my own notes)
Check out Laurel's full vision and photo shoot at:
Stolen from Party Junk 187 HERE