
Monday, June 24, 2013

Make a milk crate dog bed - Crafted Niche

Make a cool milk crate dog bed... in minutes! Isn't this gorgeous? By Crafted Niche, featured on I Love That Junk
Sometimes the most genius DIYs come about from the easiest ideas. And such is the case with this gorgeous milk crate turned dog bed. Swoon!!

Dana is a bit of a crateaholic, so it wasn't hard to find the perfect specimen for this idea. She dug through her stash, and landed this lovely metal edged, stamped crate. Isn't it amazing?

A hole was cut, a pillow plunked in place, and an instant dog bed was made!

What I LOVE about this:

I love the fact that Dana didn't go overboard with any treatment whatsoever. She left the crate intact in it's original shape, and just added to it. It is PERFECT. The crate is totally authentic as is, making the coolest pet bed ever. I want one for my cats!

Check out Dana's tips (on how not to break a jigsaw blade for one...) over at:

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