No, this is not replica artwork that's been banged off a million times. These lovely topiary paintings on reclaimed wood are originals all hand done. And they're easy to do!
Inspired by a new boxwood Deb planted in her backyard, she brought the outdoors in by painting topiaries in planters, alongside a Garden sign.
Now before you shake your head and exclaim, "Yeah, but I can't paint!", I beg to differ.
Deb's instructions are super basic. She will have you believing you CAN. Can you dab paint on with a brush then blot off with a wet wipe? Of course you can!
If you study the photos, you'll see how she created the base background for this round topiary, getting it ready to layer with other strokes. Cool!
I firmly believe you can do this by following her tutorial.
What I LOVE about this:
Art doesn't have to be purchased from elsewhere. I love the fact that this is something someone can actually do with just a few scrap boards, craft paint and a few brushes.
I love how Deb broke the steps down. She mentions paint colours and shows you the layering of nearly every step. The outcome is artwork that is peaceful and gorgeous, perfect to chime in with summer.
Catch the full tutorial and tip loaded post at: